Family Unfiltered’s new online world
I sit here today feeling extremely content. Just over 6 months ago after a few years of procrastination, I took the step to starting my own parenting blog — the ethos being un-preachy and non-teachy, just a real life account of my experiences.
I didn’t know if anyone would read it. I had hoped deep down that someone would however when I set out, it was for me. A place I could write my thoughts, use a creative outlet to invigorate my brain cells and mostly, to feel I had a purpose that wasn’t just about Louis, my little one.
This is blog number 17 and my oh my am I proud. It may seem small and insignificant to some, but for me, it has given me a whole new focus in my life and the best bit, is that it doesn’t take me away from my role as a mother, if anything it enhances it. I am sure when Louis is old enough, he will enjoy reading them a bit like a life diary …I better remember to upload some embarrassing pics to show all his mates when he is 18 .
Every time I sit and write I love it. The words and my experiences just flows out of me. I don’t overthink. I just write. I mean don’t get me wrong I do think about it in the sense of what information may be useful or funny, after all I always said from the beginning that I want my blog to either a) bring a bit of humour into people’s life or b) on a more serious note, actually help other parents as I am sure all the emotions and experiences I have uncovered are all common. I do believe that if more parents realise this we would probably stop being so bloody hard on ourselves!
What has really touched me is the amount of people that read it. Again, of course I hoped people would but hoping and then receiving a message from someone telling me they enjoyed it is very different. Every time I get a comment I feel ecstatic. My readers are all different too which I love. Parents, non-parents, young, old, man, woman and everything in between. It has connected me with people from my past both friends and people I know through previous work and businesses, it has connected me to new people and it has connected me to my friends and family, it feels intimate that they get to fully share my life with me.
When my Aunt Linda told me she read it I was overjoyed! What’s more she doesn’t just read it, she constantly tells me how much she loves it. Then my sister, who is often critical (but in a good way), even ‘clapped’ one of my articles. My brother Steve and sister-in-law Skylie over in Oz enjoy a read too. Skylie is extremely intelligent and well educated so this secretly makes me feel great, like when you get a gold star at school! Then there are my mates that comment, just yesterday one of my bestie’s Emma said how much she enjoyed it, she said it was an honest and refreshing read!
But the most staggering is my Mum. My Mum, who only learnt how to turn on a tablet a few months back, is now one of my biggest fans! She keeps telling me I should write a book and I keep telling her maybe one day. I know the publishing world and I know it isn’t that easy but I love her enthusiasm none the less.
My number 1 fan though is probably my hubby James. I call him my personal editor and guru. He is the first one to read my blog and he checks all my grammar for me — bless him. He gets really excited too which is sweet. I did post one a few weeks back without him reading it first and he got very upset. So I promised he will continue to be the first.
I am extremely humbled by the amount of people that reach out to me through my blog and it turns out, as I had hoped, that it’s not just the fun side that people enjoy, my experience and advice that I offer (disclaimer — this is my opinion and advice and do not force it on anyone!) has really made a difference. One of my pregnant friends at the time read my blog The No Plan Birthing-Plan and she said that this was exactly where she was at and that she could literally copy my plan as it mirrored how she was feeling. Her feedback made me feel incredible. Then I have had others who have really benefited from my experiences of Louis starting his new nursery; The Nursery Diary of a Frantic Mum, sleep training; Sleep Training A 2-Year Old, and one of my most read, my travel blog on how to cope with flying; Parenting at 38,000 feet.
People read my blog from all different platforms, I don’t mean shoes Mum if you are reading this, platforms is a technical word relating to the likes of Facebook, instagram etc. Sorry I have just set her up with her own facebook account (dangerous?) so I am trying to slowly bring her into the modern world and the terms we use.
There is the Family Unfiltered facebook page, my personal facebook page, my instagram and my Medium site. This is all great and I will continue to use all of these however, to make it easier I have set up my own little Family Unfiltered world online where I will share all of my blogs.
I would love for you to come and take a look. Hopefully you will find it easier and clearer to read. What’s more you can easily share your comments and feedback for me and others to read.
Now for the self indulgent thank you’s that would give Gwyneth Paltrow’s blubbering Oscar speech a run for it’s money.
Thank you thank you thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. On the days when I want to rip my hair out because I can’t seem to do anything right, thank you. When Louis is screaming on the floor, doing an angry break-dancer impression, thank you. When I have planned a fun day out and Louis decides he is going to be a little s**t, thank you. Family Unfiltered is my saviour. My friend. Like sitting down and having a cuppa tea with my mate. Sitting around sharing stories on the hardships and the damn right craziness of family life.
I want Family Unfiltered to be like a mate that you can turn to. When you want to vent, scream or need something to distract your brain for a while.
If you ever want to get in touch with me, maybe you have a question or have your own funny stories to share; I would LOVE that soooo much!
If there is one thing I have learned since being a mum it is the importance of connecting to others to stop feeling alone, isolated and in some cases, ridiculously bored.
If you are new to reading this then welcome! To all those who have followed my journey so far, I hope you are enjoying the ride. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, I hope you stay tuned as no doubt the Burtt family adventures will continue in humorous style for many more years to come!
Come and see me